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Fórum  |  Ostatni  |  Programy pro stolni Pc (Moderátor: Ganimed)  |  Téma: MyPhoneExplorer
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Autor Téma: MyPhoneExplorer  (Zobrazeno 138062 x)
Příspěvků: 1

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« Odpověď #75 v: 20. Září 2006, 16:37 »

Mam jednoduchy dotaz, funguje My Phone Explorer i ve Win98? Nikde jsem nenasel zadne informace o systemovych pozadavcich.
Pohlaví: Muž
Telefon: SE W850i
Příspěvků: 575

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« Odpověď #76 v: 20. Září 2006, 16:56 »

Mam jednoduchy dotaz, funguje My Phone Explorer i ve Win98? Nikde jsem nenasel zadne informace o systemovych pozadavcich.
Mel by.

Smajlík Sony CMD-J5 -> J6 -> SE K700i -> W550i -> W850i Cheesy + J6  -> HTC Touch Diamond Tongue
« Odpověď #77 v: 05. Říjen 2006, 13:17 »

jak je to s tema statnima svatkama v MPE? v nastaveni jsou, potom kdyz pripojim mobile tak jsou v kalendari taky ale kdyz sesynchronizuju tak v mobilu potom nejsou Sad
Pohlaví: Muž
Telefon: U10i (Aino)
Příspěvků: 102

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« Odpověď #78 v: 10. Říjen 2006, 16:20 »

po delsi dobe se chysta nova verze MPE. Posilal jsem autorovi preklad (1.4.25), tady je vytah oprav a vylepseni:
Version 1.4.25
- MyPhoneExplorer can control Express ClickYes (for Outlook-Sync)
- added all language- and holidayfiles to beta-update (for the translators)

Version 1.4.24
- created own date-time-picker control, so 2 librarys are no more needed (ccrpDtp6.ocx and ccrpUCW6.dll)
- fixed ical import if there is no enddate (f.e. exported events of reminderfox)
- fixed sync with Outlook (Exchange-Connected)

Version 1.4.23
- added new command for messageinterface: savetosent=1
- fixed some bugs
---one day later: fixed bug in sync-routines (MPE chrashed)

Version 1.4.22
 - added revers-phonenumber-search (type in the number and get out name/address) - Only for Switzerland, Germany, Italy, USA
 - automatic disconnect after 5 minutes inactivity (optional)

Version 1.4.21
- added interface to start calls and send messages:
  - MyPhoneExplorer must be already started
  - then start MyPhoneExplorer.exe again with the following parameters:
    action=dial -> opens the Dialwindow
    action=dial number=1234567  -> starts a call
    action=sendmessage number=+491234567;017024678 text="Hallo Test%nText"  -> sends a message, in this case to two
       receivers, %n is used to represent a linebreak in the text. If the tags number or text are omitted then the "New message-Window"
       will appear.
- enabled groups in favorites
- added copy&paste also for sim-contacts
- fixed short-cuts in call-lists
- added new shortcut: CTRL+D for show the dialwindow (in phonebook, calls, sms)

Version 1.4.20
- fixed bug in Outlook-sync (once more)
- fixed bug in general phone-sync (the K800 does some strange things after a masterreset)
- Timestamps in SMS which are not valid are marked with red color (f.e. time of copy to archive, user changed the timestamp)

Version 1.4.19
- new contact bug fixed
- Automatic detection for new devices which are connected to pc
- Automatic connect if the current user connects to pc trought DCU-60 datacable

Version 1.4.18
- global Hotkey for Multisync
- added formating macro for contacts
- Copy&Paste between Windows Explorer/Outlook Express and Adressbook of MyPhoneExplorer possible
- recoded OBEX-Interface (should work now on chinese machines)
- some bugs in general sync fixed

Version 1.4.17
- Sunbird supported (only up to Version 0.2)
- Better interface for whole-day-events
- added alarmhandling for 5 alarms (f.e. K800i)
- new buttons in callcontrol-window: enable speaker, set volume
- categoriefilter for outlook-sync

Version 1.4.16
- XML-support

Version 1.4.15
- Outlook-sync fixed: Outlook added a birthday-event automatically if the contact-birthday has changed
- SMS-Bug fixed (no messages were shown or runtimeerror 28 raised
- For UMTS-Phones: Connectionmode can be selected UMTS or GSM or both
- New notes can be created now for every model

Version 1.4.14
- Accu and Signalquality shown in Tray-Tooltip
- Added support for more folders in Outlook-contact-sync
- added Support for "Save messages on Memorystick" for K610, K800
- fixed some bugs

Version 1.4.13
- some bugfixes

Version 1.4.12
- some bugfixes
- photo-preview: If the photo contains the creation-timestamp it will be shown as tooltip
- listview in calendar: On recurring events is now the next date displayed (earlier was always the startdate displayed)
                        Events for today are shown in a diffrent color

Version 1.4.11
- calendarsync with rainlendar
- new options for calendarsync

Version 1.4.10
- calendarsync with outlook

Version 1.4.9
- contact-sync: bugs fixed

Version 1.4.8
- contact-sync for outlook-express added

Version 1.4.7
- first betatest for contact-sync with outlook

Version 1.4.6
- preview for messages is now sizable
- userdefined font and the setting "big font"
- better usermanagement

Pohlaví: Muž
Telefon: P1i , W995 a Xperia X1
Příspěvků: 379

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« Odpověď #79 v: 23. Říjen 2006, 15:22 »

MyPhoneExplorer 1.5 released !

Seznam novinek :

- direct contactsync with Outlook(2000-2007) and Outlook Express
- direct calendarsync with Outlook(2000-2007), Sunbird (up to Version 0.2) and Rainlendar
- better connectiondetection - works now with all models
- search name/adress via given phone-number - avaiable for USA, germany, italia, switzerland and netherlands
- XML Import/Export for contacts, appointments and messages
- new feature: "Phonekeypad" - control your phones keypad and the mediaplayer with MyPhoneExplorer
- adapted for new models (f.e. K800i)
- better calendarinterface
- 7 new languages: bosnian, estonian, persian, galician, macedonian, georgian, latvian - very thanks to my translators -
- fixed many bugs

SE P1i, SE Xperia X1 a W995
Pohlaví: Muž
Telefon: iPhone 5 64GB White
Příspěvků: 1031

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« Odpověď #80 v: 29. Říjen 2006, 13:40 »

Mam jednoduchy dotaz, funguje My Phone Explorer i ve Win98? Nikde jsem nenasel zadne informace o systemovych pozadavcich.

MPE rozhodne ve WIN98 nepobezi - respektive ovladace telefonu nejsou pro prostredi WIN98!

K750i - Silver and Red. M600i white + P1i - R9K009 2x.
W800i =>  P1i => Xperia X1 => HTC HD2 => HTC Desire HD=> DELL Streak RED  =>iPhone 3GS 32GB Black => iPhone 4 32GB Black => iPhone 4S 64GB Black => iPhone 5 64GB White
Kam se hrabe Bittner, to se neda srovnat!!!
« Odpověď #81 v: 29. Říjen 2006, 21:22 »

Mam taku otazocku... aj ked si nie som isty, ci je toto spravna tema ... ak nie sory...
Takze mam SE k610i a k PC sa pripajam cez kabel... MPE pouzivam vo verzii 1.5  zaujimalo by ma, ci sa da niejako nastavit, aby ked je mobil pripojeny k PC a niekomu zavolam cez rozhranie MPE, tak sa mobil prepol do hlasneho rezimu (handsfree). Respektive aby sa tento rezim aktivoval vzdy ked ho pripojim k PC.

Ide mi o to aby som mohol volat a primat hovory, bez toho aby som sa musel chytit mobilu.

Pohlaví: Muž
Telefon: U10i (Aino)
Příspěvků: 102

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« Odpověď #82 v: 31. Říjen 2006, 07:13 »

vysla jeste opravna verze 1.5.1

« Odpověď #83 v: 01. Listopad 2006, 08:25 »

me se pres BT K700 vubec pripojit nechce funguje to na ni?
« Odpověď #84 v: 01. Listopad 2006, 08:52 »

me se pres BT K700 vubec pripojit nechce funguje to na ni?

jasne musi fungovat, jen je nutne vybrat spravny virtualni COM port pro BT....pripojeni telefonu s BT jako Serial Port
« Odpověď #85 v: 01. Listopad 2006, 08:55 »

uz to maka po te co jsem se tu docetl ze stadart ovladac z win nechodi tak jsem holt udelal original a postupoval podle vaseho popisu.Dikes.
Příspěvků: 4

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« Odpověď #86 v: 02. Listopad 2006, 21:12 »

dobry den
chcel by som sa opytat ci sa na myphone exploreri daju vymazavat zoznamy hovorov z telefonu?
ak ne bude sa to niekedy dat?
Pohlaví: Muž
Telefon: iPhone 5 64GB White
Příspěvků: 1031

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« Odpověď #87 v: 02. Listopad 2006, 21:16 »

jasne ze daji, nema problema.. Grin

K750i - Silver and Red. M600i white + P1i - R9K009 2x.
W800i =>  P1i => Xperia X1 => HTC HD2 => HTC Desire HD=> DELL Streak RED  =>iPhone 3GS 32GB Black => iPhone 4 32GB Black => iPhone 4S 64GB Black => iPhone 5 64GB White
Kam se hrabe Bittner, to se neda srovnat!!!
Příspěvků: 4

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« Odpověď #88 v: 03. Listopad 2006, 09:12 »

len mne to nejako nejde. Ak telefon len spojim a nedam multi-synchronizaciu tak sa mi to v mpe v zozname hovorov vedla hovorov ukazuju take sive telefoniky . Vtedy to ide vymazat ale nevymaze sa to v mobile . Ak dam multi-synchronizaciu tak sa mi ukazu ako zlate ale tie uz nejdu vymazat. Mam SE w300i. Pomozete mi? Cry
Pohlaví: Muž
Telefon: iPhone 5 64GB White
Příspěvků: 1031

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« Odpověď #89 v: 03. Listopad 2006, 10:17 »

 Cry, sry opravdu to v me verzi taky nejde. Ale proc te to trapi? VzdyÂť to jde ve founu.. Mrknutí

K750i - Silver and Red. M600i white + P1i - R9K009 2x.
W800i =>  P1i => Xperia X1 => HTC HD2 => HTC Desire HD=> DELL Streak RED  =>iPhone 3GS 32GB Black => iPhone 4 32GB Black => iPhone 4S 64GB Black => iPhone 5 64GB White
Kam se hrabe Bittner, to se neda srovnat!!!

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Fórum  |  Ostatni  |  Programy pro stolni Pc (Moderátor: Ganimed)  |  Téma: MyPhoneExplorer
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