prvni muj dotaz je, jaky je rozdil mezi Generic a Nordic verzi ?

a k Applanet, psal jsem jim na forum a uz tam bylo nekolik topicu .. a odpoved prisla tahle " k guys i have a temporary workaround to the applanet not working thing cuz its the only place where you get the latest apps in one place...
get the android sdk set up and running.
download applanet.apk from this site and place it in the tools folder.
create and start an avd under any os, i chose 2.2 froyo.
after youre at the homescreen of the emulator, start up command prompt.
change directory to the tools folder
then type in "adb install applanet.apk"
this should install applanet onto the emulator.
then just download the apps like you usually do. dont install them cuz you wont be able to use them anyways.
then again in cmd type "start ddms" and wait till it loads a couple of things
on the menubar, click on device-- file explorer
in the new window, go to mnt---sdcard---applanet---downloads
select the folders and then on the top left corner there should be a floppy disk.. click it and pull out the folders and install it using like an android program or adb
wow this took me like 4 hours to figure out lol.. couldnt get the right command for ddms cuz im new to the sdk.. enjoy the apps "
Rozumite tomu prosimvas nekdo co a jak s cim ? absolutne nechapu nektere ty technicke pojmy ..