Dnes nìco pro milovnÃky basù (pøevzato z SE-tuningu):
MonSTer Bass™Tired of low bass on your headphones or speaker?? Then try the MonSTer Bass™ pack. After weeks of modding and testing aat files, Ive made the perfect bass pack for UIQ devices. The 1st pack of the MonSTer™ packs guarantees satisfaction.
This pack contains the following:
1) Moded AATFiles
2) Patched M3SAudioPolicyMgr.dll file so that people dont have to go through the lenthy procedure
of installing the sound mod full and copying these files.
3) Exact file format so that people just have to copy and paste in C: No going on searching
or creating new directories.
4) Volume steps mod for better control of volume.
Comments of testers:
Monster Bass is perfect no need to do anything.. every thing works fine even the bluetooth
I prefer the Monster Bass one because it has a perfect balance of bass and treble. It can also go very loud.
Wooow this is what i want, everything was perfect, the sound, the bass was clearly i heared, the music when i playing mp3 was clearly i heared no problem with distortion even noise, this is gr8 man
Everyone is free to give your opinions on the pack.
Steps for installing pack:
1) Hack your phone with Capswitch
2) Copy the folders to C:
3) Restart your phone.
4) Enjoy:exactly:
Special Thanks to: gdlsety, ichigo81 and YouSmeg118
Couldn't be possible without them.
MonSTer Bass™ skuteènì skvìle basuje ve v¹ech audio výstupech mé P1-ky. V¾dy je ale nìco za nìco.
MonSTer Bass™ nelze kombinovat s sound mod lite (patch zvuku)... Jinými slovy øeèeno, zÃskáte na basech a dynamice, ztratÃte na sÃle zvuku. Popravdì ale, kdo z vás skuteènì pøehrává opatchované audio na 100% volume?
Chcete-li vyzkou¹et skuteènì
skvìlé basy, pak odsud stáhnìte:
http://www.se-tuning.cz/viewtopic.php?t=9835&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=75Edit: Nemìl jsem multimédia naplno, teï je to o nìèem jiném = ztráta "sÃly" zvuku se témìø nekoná, na plno se to, opìt, nedá poslouchat... P1-ka hraje luxusnì a myslÃm, ¾e vÃc u¾ se z nà nikomu vy¾dÃmat nepodaøÃ.
V¹em doporuèuji vyzkou¹et.